Is Twitch Toxic? Safeguarding Yourself and Your Viewers

Picture of Kyle Juffs

Kyle Juffs

Toxicity on Twitch has been a widely spoken-about topic for several years now. The backlash has been high with the rise of hot tub streams, gambling streams, and a general lack of response towards bots. Many have questioned whether Twitch cares about its roots in gaming, with many calling out how Toxic the platform can be for the regular viewer, so the prime question is – is Twitch toxic?

Twitch is not toxic, but toxicity is prevalent on the platform. Users may encounter toxic environments or channels; however, this depends on the streamer, the community they have built, and their tolerance to harmful actions within their chat. 

Unfortunately, Twitch cannot govern each channel individually; the platform is too large. While Twitch’s actions in recent memory might not be in the right direction, Twitch’s toxicity is a by-product of the streamers on the platform and the leeway they give their viewers. 

Let’s dive into how we can prevent this behaviour and why it might be harmful in the long run.

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How Twitch Streamers and Their Communities Become Toxic

Even though we may direct our frustrations at Twitch for being toxic, it’s important to note that Twitch has all the necessary tools for streamers to handle negative and destructive behaviour from their viewers. 

It may seem harsh to blame the streamers directly; everyone likes to pin the blame on the platforms, and it’s easier that way. However, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. 

From options to time out, automod severity, the banning of certain words and phrases to the ability to directly ban users outright, Twitch has many tools that streamers can use. Similarly, with the introduction of shield mode, Twitch streamers now have an immediate one-click button to negate negative behaviour altogether. 

Streamers can also allocate someone to mod their channel, handing over the direct responsibility of handling chat offenders to someone that can pay more attention. 

So, with all these options, why are some channels toxic?

Toxicity usually snowballs. It starts as a comment here or there, and over time, that behaviour becomes the norm. You may also notice that many larger streamers’ Twitch chat is filled with this behaviour, or their viewers spam specific emojis when the streamer dies in-game or a particular character is on screen. 

Chat becomes too big to moderate fully for larger streamers, so they must decide where to draw the line, often letting more minor things slip through. For smaller streamers, toxic viewers and culture are something they have allowed for one reason or another. 

Toxic behaviour breeds toxic behaviour, as users will see other chatters getting away with saying particular things and may opt to join in to be part of the majority. 

How to Prevent Toxic Behaviour on Twitch

Firstly, preventing toxic behaviour as a streamer is realising you’re in control. You have the tools to make a substantial difference on your channel’s toxicity and culture. 

Generally, streamers can take the following steps:

  1. Identify what is unacceptable in your stream
  2. Set clear channel rules
  3. Explain the repercussions for breaking the rules clearly
  4. Don’t be afraid to lay down the law
  5. Appreciate those that follow the rules

Completing each of these steps will aid in creating a welcoming and toxic-free environment for new viewers. 

1) Identify What Is Unacceptable in Your Stream

Some soul-searching may be necessary to understand what actions you deem unacceptable. Depending on the game choice, your personality, the community you’re trying to build and more, these may look different than another streamer. 

Understanding the audience you’ll cultivate from your content is also a key factor. A wholesome, family-friendly streamer may allow far less than a battle royale streamer that plays with their friends. 

What vocabulary would they typically use, and would they mean it maliciously?

Juffacake Channel rules example via Twitch panels showcasing chat rules header with a Jaffacake illustration and 4 rules.

2) Set Clear Twitch Channel Rules

Once you have identified the behaviour you’re not allowing, the next step is to create a clear set of Twitch channel rules. Typically, streamers will add this to their Twitch panels in their About section and add a channel rule agreement prompt for new users that try to chat. 

Both of which you can change through Twitch and the creator dashboard. 

When writing your rules, consider how much free reign you want to give your viewers. While rules like “Don’t be a d*ck* are generally understood, everyone has a different understanding of what “going too far” is. 

If you have rules you want your community to abide by, no matter what, then taking the time to outline them clearly with phrasing that leaves no room for interpretation is the best way forward. 

For example, my rules read:

“Be respectful to one another. No racism, homophobia, bullying, sexism or other hate-based comments.”

I also, on stream, often reiterate that we don’t talk about politics, anything sexual or race-based conversation. 

3) Explain the Repercussions of Breaking the Rules

What happens when someone says or does something over this acceptable line?

You ban them. 

Misunderstandings happen, or viewers can get excited and type something without thinking. This could be the best course of action, depending on what was said. Alternatively, you may give a warning and inform the viewer that next time, they will be banned. 

However, acknowledging what was said was important. Sometimes, there is no reason for someone to type what they have – usually a sexist or racist comment – and thus, shouldn’t be given a second chance. 

Viewers can also submit a ban appeal, to which they will have an opportunity to apologise and explain why they said what they said. From there, you can choose whether they deserve the unban or not. 

Also, ensure your mods fully understand your rules and what actions to take when someone oversteps boundaries, as they will be able to catch offenders quicker than you will during your stream. 

4) Don’t Be Afraid to Lay Down the Law

It is better to ban the viewer watching you from day one if they’re being toxic rather than letting it slide because “they’ve always been there for you”. 

If I called you out then, I’m sorry. 

But it needs to be said. Toxic is toxic, and whether you know someone personally or not, allowing them to stay will create a negative perception among new viewers or breed more toxicity. Toxic viewers create an unwelcoming and unpleasant atmosphere; new viewers simply aren’t going to want to stick around. 

An additional viewer is seldom worth the negative impact toxic users can have on your stream, community and future opportunities. 

Man holding a cut out black love heart handing it to a womans hand with ring

5) Appreciate Those That Follow the Rules

It should be easy to follow a clear set of outlined rules. Yet, for some viewers, even acknowledging them can be a challenge. My heart goes out to all the single-player story streamers that have their game ruined by a backseater, despite having “no back seating” labelled in 50 places on their stream. 

If someone wants to be toxic in your stream, they will. 

Because of this, we often focus on the negatives instead of the positives. Similarly to life, we should celebrate the small wins, even if those wins are your community following the rules.

Take a minute or two in your stream to identify those that have always followed your rules and share some appreciation. 

Why Twitch Toxicity Is Harmful to Sponsorship Opportunities

Gaining your first sponsor is something every small streamer dreams of. Similarly to employers, sponsors will check your stream and social profiles. They do this to understand how you conduct yourself, what community you have built up and whether your content is something they want to sponsor. 

Thus, the toxicity level of your community may play a key role in whether or not a sponsor reaches out to you for an opportunity. The same applies to your socials and how you interact with others online. 

Harbouring toxic viewers may create a rift between the sponsor, product and your channel; they may not want to associate with you. 

Creating a Toxic-Free Twitch Channel

Many of these tips can be boiled down to creating an environment where you would love to spend time. Doing so will help you cultivate a community of like-minded viewers who respect the rules you have established. 

You can further reinforce your stream rules throughout your social channels too. By this, I mean acting according to the rules you have set, not posting your rules everywhere…

That would be awkward. 

But acting respectfully and encouraging/building up others while simultaneously discouraging negative behaviour will help keep your brand and perception the same throughout your channels. 


Is Twitch Toxic?

By itself, no. Twitch has strict guidelines that push creators and viewers to engage with positive behaviours; however, there are always outliers – toxicity results from a streamer being toxic or allowing their community to engage in unhealthy behaviour through chat.

How Do Twitch Channels Become Toxic?

Streamers are responsible for moderating and overseeing their chat. Occasionally, they give some leeway to viewers that express harmful or toxic behaviour. Over time, this can steadily become the norm and attract other toxic viewers, creating a hostile environment. Failure to time out or ban these users usually leads to a toxic channel.

Additionally, a toxic or negative streamer can facilitate that space independently.

How Can I Prevent Toxicity in My Twitch Channel?

To prevent toxicity in your channel, you can set clear rules that all viewers must abide by. Similarly, it would help to clarify the repercussions of failing to comply with these rules. Any offenders should be dealt with swiftly, including enacting a permanent ban should their behaviour suffice that punishment.

Never be afraid to ban users, even if they’re the only ones in your chat. The community you grow and the environment you create will be better off for it.

Can a Toxic Twitch Channel Affect Sponsorship Opportunities?

Harbouring toxic viewers or being toxic yourself can be a deterrent for many sponsors. Sponsors typically want to represent someone with the same values and a responsive community. Toxicity, therefore, will push these sponsors away to other, better-suited streamers.

Does a Toxic Community Impact a Twitch Streamer?

Aside from a generally negative impact on their channel and perception, toxic viewers can be draining on mental health. Having to deal with negativity, or in some cases, direct insults every time you stream, can slowly add up until the drive to stream at all is lost.

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